Wednesday, June 26, 2013

the last rodeo

All things eventually end and so it will be for full time dairymen Daryl & Marvin Cutter.  I've known Daryl for years, as our daughters were best friends, and I photographed him and his father for the 2011 Cincinnati Magazine essay entitled, "The Last Farmers."  This time, with the impending sale of their cattle and upcoming knee surgery for Daryl, the story really will cover the last farmers, doing what they love for the last time.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013

a little more wine, please

Wine tastings in Oakley, every Friday.  And the story - coming next month in Cincinnati Magazine.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

look3, the end

Left overs, orphans, well meaning but misplaced - you get the drift.  Another edition of Look3 in the rear view mirror.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

look3, day four

One last trip into C-ville to pick up Michael's print and see the Susan Meiselas exhibit.  A little early, so we waited.  When the young Look3 photo student volunteer Chloe (from Paris & VCU) arrived, she was keyless. Always the jokester, Mr. Keating prompted her to give us the best "I'm looking for the key holder" pose she could muster.  The keys arrived, the garage gallery was opened and we were all impressed by the photos within.

look3, day three

KOUDELKA.  EPIC.  Enough said.  Then, the cinematic Gregory Crewdsen.  Big.  Sandwiched in between, a forgettable Martha Rosler.  And finally - a last dessert, a last shot, fade to black.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

look3, day two

David Alan Harvey holds court, Richard Misrach talks portraiture, then Susan Meiselas & Nicaragua take us to lunch.  David Martin keeps in touch and Nick, the Lion King, takes the stage.  Thirty years of ground breaking photography AND Look3 - well done Mr. Nichols.  Ended the day with some Crozet pizza and Stanley Greene.

Friday, June 14, 2013

look3, day one

Books in progress (Mike & Nick's), Koudelka's Prague '68, Nick's lions in a church, chimping, Dave Matthews & his Rockbridge and Carrie Mae Weems.  Long day into night...