Saturday, May 12, 2012

tall buildings

This week my Summer Workshop watched the Hitchcock thriller "Rear Window" - a story about a photographer and his limited view of the world. My motivation for showing the film was simple - we were learning how to use on/off camera flash, and flash plays an important part in the plot.  It was also a good excuse to watch the film again.  As a follow-up, I assigned them a 'window project' for the next 10 days.  Shoot pictures through your windows - house, apartment, car or school.  The key to success: think Japanese Zen gardens - outdoor scenes meant for the interior viewer. Yesterday, after doing a photo shoot downtown, I thought I would embrace my own assignment and make a couple of frames from the empty office we had used as a studio.  The view was grand, but all I could hear was John Hartford's long lost voice...

Someday my baby, when I am a man,
and others have taught me
the best that they can
they'll sell me a suit
they'll cut off my hair
and send me to work in tall buildings.

So, it's goodbye to the sunshine
goodbye to the dew
goodbye to the flowers 
and goodbye to you
I'm off to the subway
I must not be late
I'm going to work in tall buildings.

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